Attorney General Eric Holder condemned Arizona’s immigration law (SB1070) but didn’t read it. Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano condemned the law but didn’t read it. President Obama condemned the law but never admitted that he didn’t read (no one in the liberal media had the integrity to ask him). Thousands of unruly protesters poured into the streets to condemn the Arizona law, but none of them read it. Perhaps they were waiting for it to be translated into Spanish at the taxpayers’ expense.
It seems that the second biggest problem in the U.S. – next to the need for enforcement of immigration laws – is the need for literacy programs for progressive Democrats. The campaign could be called “Literacy For Liberals.” This reminds me of the famous slogan from the old TV commercials for the United Negro College Fund: “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
Apparently Obama was never able to avail himself of funds from that worthy organization, because his mind has not just gone to waste; it’s gone to ruin. Obama was, however, able to take advantage of taxpayer funds to pay for his college education. But he had to use the name Barry Seweto and pretend to be a native of Malaysia in order to qualify for aid to foreign students.
And by the way, why the hell are we paying for the education of people from Malaysia, anyway? American taxpayer money should be used to pay for the education of Americans!
How has our country gotten so screwed up? Answer: too many people voting Democrat. Hey, people, knock it off!
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