

Monday, August 23, 2010

Bail Out Teachers? Are You Kidding?

Well, the Democrats have done it again -- another bail-out gift to the unions, this time $10 billion to the teachers’ unions. First they forced us, the taxpayers, to pay the pensions of union auto workers, and now this. Just when you thought the DemoRats had sunk about as low as they could go, they even farther lower the Limbo stick.

The bailout is intended to prevent teacher layoffs, but there’s a simple alternative to layoffs – do what the private sector does: reduce salaries across the board. I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy the union argument that little Bobby can’t learn to read unless his teacher is paid $60K. I’ll bet little Bobby could learn to read just as well from a $58K teacher (or better yet, a $28K teacher).

First Chrysler and GM and then the banks – all too big to fail. Now, apparently, Democrats think our schools are too big to fail. Well, in my opinion, the only thing too big about our schools are their payrolls. And besides – in case you haven’t noticed, our schools are already failing – failing to adequately teach our kids the basics. And this is due to bad union-protected teachers who just keep getting paid more the worse they perform. Education would improve in the U.S. if the worst 10 percent of teachers were laid off. Instead of bailing them out; we should be kicking them out.

And if you want to talk about true failure, about the people who are failing the most, who are the absolute kings and queens of failure – let’s talk about the Democrats. They are failing to represent the will of the majority of taxpaying citizens. They are failing at their jobs. Let’s lay off all of them this November!

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